Step Into A Glowing Pregnancy: Pregnancy Affirmations

Are you ready to change how you think about pregnancy? To sink into positivity and confidence? To grow in your connection with your baby and partner?

Sacred Mother, Divine Creator,

How would you like to immerse yourself in positivity?

To change your fear into confidence?

and your uncertainty into graceful strength?

The power to rise into the pregnancy and birth of your dreams is within you.

Meditation is a beautiful first step.

Below is a link to pregnancy affirmations

For you to listen to, ponder and use a stepping stone to begin the emotional and spiritual work of stepping into motherhood.

These affirmations are dedicated to grounding you in love and honoring you in your unique, sacred journey.



Every Mother Counts

Your Instructor

Suzzie Vehrs
Suzzie Vehrs

Suzzie is a wife and mother. She spends her time playing with her little one, studying the art of healing and is deeply passionate about defending the spiritual, physical and emotional journeys of pregnancy.

Course Curriculum

  Pregnancy Affirmations
Available in days
days after you enroll

"If a woman doesn't look like a Goddess during labor, than someone isn't treating her right." - Ina May Gaskin

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